a.k.a. Jason
a. k. a. Jason is a monologue delivered by a 19 year-old guy on his break from work at a call centre. His friend has just quit to go back to school. Over the course of 25 minutes he tells us what he thinks of his job, the customers who call in, his relationship with his mother and father who are not together and were never married. "Jason" likes one girl he works with and gets caught having sex with another. He discusses his bosses and the woman from HR who tries to deal with general dissatisfaction among the call centre employees. There is a contrast between his cynical self and the extremely accommodating and polite person he must be to the call centre's customers. He starts out tough but by the end he is handing us his heart on a plate.
a.k.a. Jason was first performed at the Alumnae Theatre in Toronto. It starred Benjamin Blais and was directed by Emily Pearlman. Read the excerpt here.
Complete digital copies of the manuscript are available for $12.00 (CDN). The excerpt and any purchased manuscript are for audition purposes only. There is an $85.00 royalty fee per performance if used at a ticketed event.
If you are interested, use the Contact form and send your full name, street address, email address and affiliation. You will receive a PayPal invoice. Once the invoice is paid, you will receive a digital copy. You can use any credit card with PayPal.